1. As I have described before, I currently teach in the Alternative Education department for my school district. Recently, my district has switched from PLATO to Compass Learning as a more cost-effective way to provide online classes to use in the Alternative Ed program, the Credit Recovery Program, and the Summer School program. While the district paid for and set up training for teachers when we first made the switch to Compass Learning, staffing has changed dramatically since it was initially implemented. As a result, teachers who have never administered Compass Learning classes have been thrown into the classes with little to no training.
As a teacher who has been using Compass Learning since the beginning, many teachers turn to me for help. My colleagues often call or email me with questions and in need of help troubleshooting a problem that they are having with the program. While I don’t mind answering their questions and helping them out, I feel that most of their questions could be easily solved with some sort of training guide or FAQ reference material. I am also too swamped with trying to manage my own classroom of Alternative Ed students to take phone calls from other staff members all day long.
You may ask why I am the person being contacted concerning this. There are a few factors that go into that. First of all, our technology department for the entire district is composed of two employees. Their response to work orders is slow at best and not for lack of effort. Secondly, the resource materials from Compass Learning itself do not seem to be helpful, especially to teachers who are already afraid of a computer. The directions provided by Compass Learning are too short and do not explain steps well. They are also lacking images. Staff members get easily confused trying to follow the directions sheet provided. I myself have tried the support line. While they are friendly and helpful when you can get through, teachers cannot spend 20 minutes on hold in a automated telephone system while trying to manage their classrooms. Finally, my colleagues know that I am willing to help and can usually answer any question they may have.
2. To address this issue with technology, I would like to create a resource for teachers in my district to access at any time. I have a few ideas on how I would like to accomplish this. I think the most effective form would be some type of screencast or video demonstrating how to perform common tasks and the most asked about tasks in the Compass Learning program. The problem I may have to work around is how to make screencasts and videos available to teachers. Teachers in my district are not given web space. Most personal websites, including Weebly sites and blogs, are blocked by the district filter. The district website is also run by a secretary’s friend in Florida, so not even the technology department can easily make changes to the district site.
Also, not all teachers have computers that are up-to-date and “video friendly”. Therefore another, option I am considering is creating a PowerPoint or possibly Word document using screen shots and audio to walk teachers through frequently asked questions and problems. This may be easier to distribute to staff as not all computers in the building can support video. I will have to try out my options before I commit to a particular format for the resource I plan to compile.
3. For now I would like to create this resource for use at the high school. While middle school staff does use the Compass Learning program in the summer, I do not have daily contact with them. I would like to try out the resource I create during this semester. If it is successful, I would like to present it to my principal for use as a training supplement at the beginning of the next school year.
4. In terms of research, I have run into some road blocks. I started with the MSU library’s search engine for scholarly articles. The results included studies on the effect of technology on test scores and articles concerning ways to receive technology funding or how some districts are spending their funding. While many of my searches have produced a lot of articles concerning teachers using technology but not much on how to effectively train teachers to use it. I have tried interchanging the word “software” with “technology” since I truly am interested in training my colleagues on using a particular version of software and yet I struggle to find helpful articles.
I did find an article by Jamie McKenzie at http://fno.org/mar01/howlearn.html which addressed the idea that teachers need resources to help them with technology including help lines, FAQs, and perhaps technology mentors. Feeling like a mentor in my own building I related to a lot of what McKenzie was discussing. Another resource I have found is at http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/methods/technlgy/te1000.htm and is titled “Critical Issue: Providing Professional Development for Effective Technology Use”. I look forward to finding more articles like this in the electronic journal databases without resorting to the Google search engine.
5. I plan to develop this resource in the coming days. I will start by introducing my resource (videos, Word document, or PowerPoint files) to the co-teacher in the Alternative Ed department. If times allows, I will also offer it to teachers in general ed in the high school who also call me for troubleshooting.
6. When all is said and done, I will know if I was successful through feedback from my colleagues. Teachers in my building are never afraid to speak up when something isn’t working!
Research and Resources:
· http://fno.org/mar01/howlearn.html
· http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/methods/technlgy/te1000.htm