Thursday, February 24, 2011

Part D: Wicked Problem Project – Findings and Implications

To recap, my Wicked Problem Project has focused on training other teachers in my building how to use the Compass Learning program and answer some of their frequently asked questions. For my partial implementation, I had created a PowerPoint that covered how to add a student to a Compass Learning class and how to make sure they were assigned the proper assignment and presented it to my colleague in the classroom next door to me. He had given me positive feedback, so I decided to offer the same presentation to the other teachers in the building that use Compass Learning. I had two teachers show up for the second training and they also had positive feedback. By the time that I had held the second training, I was able to add arrows using the shapes menu in PowerPoint to point to the different menus and links for better clarification. I also printed out the slides with room for notes so teachers could jot down their own reminders.
For the most part, the project has been implemented as planned. I did have to scale back how much information I put into the PowerPoint, but as I have stated before, I will continue to add to the document. I plan to keep adding to the PowerPoint or maybe create a PowerPoint for each individual topic as resource document to submit to my district for use in the future. The one thing I did not plan on was the amount of questions following the second training. Since I had only focused on one topic, the teachers that came naturally wanted to ask questions about other problem concerning the program. To address this, I used the Demo tool in my Vision program to demonstrate more solutions to the teachers. I just recently learned how to use the Demo tool in Vision. It works great for showing learners (whether it be students or fellow teachers) exactly what menus, links, etc they need to click on to accomplish a certain task. Unfortunately, I do not have a to record these demos on the school computers. There is no record function in the Vision program. I even tried installing Jing on my teacher’s computer at school. Downloading programs is not permitted. I have submitted a request to the technology department and I am waiting to hear back if they will install Jing or not. I have also requested to get a microphone and speakers. That is also still in limbo.
I feel the project so far has been quite successful. The teacher that did attend the training have expressed that it was very helpful and that they understood the directions better than when the company representative had come in when we originally purchased the program. Like the original training, the teachers expressed that they understood my directions better, because I used simple, short steps with familiar terms and language. One of the teachers also expressed that they were happy that I gave them a print out that they could add notes to as well as refer to later. They expressed they would rather refer to that document before picking up the telephone to call me directly during class. This was my original goal and I was ecstatic to actually hear my colleagues acknowledge that I might need a break from all of the phone calls.
If I were to approach another project of this type, I think I would approach it with less skepticism. I have to admit that I went into thinking I would not be able to make it work given the lack of technology. I was very skeptical that I would find a way to not only present the training and find a way to easily distribute it in the future. I had originally wanted to create videos using Jing, but once I took a step back and thought about it, I was able to come up with the solution of using PowerPoint instead. I also think I would not underestimate the teaching staff either. I truly felt that if I created the Jing videos, teachers would not know how to play them using their older computers in their classrooms. I did not even consider that they might be willing to access the videos at home and watch them there. Finally, I think I would also start off with a better idea of how much information I can prepare in a short amount of time. I originally wanted to cover much more material than I had time for. This experience has taught me to be careful about not biting off more than I can chew. I have learned to start small and add to a project instead of being overly ambitious and causing myself to get overwhelmed with the task.
I also feel that others might learn the following from my experience:
  • You can make a difference in your own building.
  • Districts do not need to hire expensive trainers if someone is willing to put in some time and effort – a true cost saver.
  • There is a way to make the technology that you have work, no matter what the constraints. Don’t look at it as limiting. Make what you have work for you.
As stated before, if I were to do this project again, I would change the following things:
  • I would create demonstration videos using Jing for teachers to access at home.
  • I would complete different topics about Compass Learning in smaller, more manageable chunks. Not only would this help me achieve the goal, it would make the training more manageable. I could do a series of short trainings and not keep colleagues after school too long.
  • I would like to find a way to create a video to add into PowerPoint. I can see that PowerPoint will allow me to insert a video, I just have not been able to figure out what videos it will allow me to insert.
  • I would like to purchase (or have the district purchase) USB drives to save the PowerPoint documents and videos on for teachers to access.
  • I would like to get the technology department to add the files to the Shared drive for the district for easy access.

Mobile Learning Lab

Mobile Learning Lab
I found this lab very interesting and thought provoking. I tried out a few things in my classroom. The easiest on for me to try out in the classroom was using USB drives. I had two USB drives that I had received as a gift at educational conferences. I had assigned a group project. I was able to allow two groups to save their work on the USB drive. I had me student ask to take their group’s USB drive home. I have to admit that I was skeptical that he would bring it back the next day and he did! He had taken all of his groups summaries in Microsoft Word and combined them into one document. I thought the experience went very well. Many of my students had seen USBs but had never gotten a chance to use one. Since a large number of students do not have a computer at home, they have never needed to use one. I was glad that I was able to show them this technology.
I also used Poll Everywhere to create a poll for students to respond to. The website is blocked in my district, so I create the poll at home and asked students to respond via text message for homework. I then accessed the poll from home to see the results. Not all students responded, but I received more responses to this poll than I did for the survey I created earlier in the class. I was happy with the results and happy with how many students participated in the poll without me having to hound them. Several students even came in the next day asking about the results. That is a FIRST! Very exciting and I look forward to using it more in the future. I will be asking for permission to have students text their responses in class. My district currently does not allow students to have cell phones out in class and they are definitely not allowed to use them. I am hoping that I will be allowed to have students use them for this purpose. I might even sneak a poll session in here and there. I just might have to get students to cooperate with putting them away quickly if need be.
I really feel this could be a great way to get students to participate in class discussions and answer questions in class without feeling self-conscious. In Alternative Ed it is often hard to get students to willingly respond to questions in class. They are too worried about how others will react if they speak up. This would be a great way to allow students to anonymously respond and in turn gain confidence.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Part B - Group Leadership Project: - Storyboard and Script

Well, we are well underway on our group leadership project. The first time we met in Vyew for our brainstorming session, we had divided up the topics for our presentation. We met again this past Thursday to share our scripts and storyboards and continue to discuss how to complete our group project. I had shared with my group members that I had been very frustrated trying to use the Word template to create my storyboards so I had switched to the PowerPoint template. James had also used PowerPoint. Courtney struggled with the Word template and made her own version of it, which looked similar t the set up in PowerPoint.

After discussing it, we agreed to put all of the story boards in PowerPoint. James and Courtney emailed their files to me and I compiled them into one PowerPoint file. Courtney was responsible for Slides 1-5 on creating a room on Vyew. I created Slides 6-10 on inserting new pages and syncing pages. James created Slides 11-15 on the sticky notes and text boxes. Brian was not able to make the meeting on Thursday. He added his Slides to the master file that I compiled. He emailed that he wanted to add more but wanted to get the group’s approval before adding content that we had not discussed before. I have responded that his ideas are more than welcome and would actually help our presentation.

Since posting the original blog, a number of things have been updated. First of all, it has been decided that we will use Camtasia to combine all of our individual videos into one final video that we will use for our presentation. Everyone has agreed to either use Jing or Camtasia to record their videos. Brian and I have downloaded Camtasia and are working to become familiar with it. Brian and I will record our demonstrations in real time as we narrate what we are showing. Courtney and James would like to use PowerPoint as a base for their recordings. We discussed it as a group and have agreed to this format. Brian has agreed to compile the videos in Camtasia and I will help him with it as needed since I have also started going through the Camtasia tutorials. We feel that recording demonstrations of how to do each task in Vyew will be the most beneficial for professional development and will also follow the guidelines we read about in the section on andragogy.

Secondly, Brian was also able to send me more slides to add to our Storyboard with the new material that the group agreed to. James has also updated his slides and sent them to me. They now include screen shots and updated text. I have added them to the compiled PowerPoint and will update the links below. Finally, I have also updated my slides to include an explanation as to what I will show in my video. Each of my slides (#6-10) have updated notes with video explanations.

You can find the PowerPoint file with the storyboard in my Google docs at the following link: Story Board PowerPoint (UPDATED)

You can find the Word file with the Script (which is also in the Speaker notes of the PowerPoint) in my Google docs at this link:
Group 1 Script

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Brian Bedard's Educational Technology Blog: 812 Group Presentation

Below is a link to one of the recordings of our Brainstorming Session that Brian created using Jing.

THANK YOU again Brian!

Brian Bedard's Educational Technology Blog: 812 Group Presentation: "Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required."

Brian Bedard's Educational Technology Blog: Part 1 of The Brainstorm Session

Below is a link to ANOTHER one of the recordings of our Brainstorming Session that Brian created using Jing. (We could only record in 5 minute increments so there are multiple videos.)

THANK YOU again Brian!

Brian Bedard's Educational Technology Blog: Part 1 of The Brainstorm Session: "Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required."

PART B: Application of TPACK -- The Wicked Problem

A I recently learned in Session 2, there is a formal name for teaching teachers or Professional Development. I will therefore be using andragogy to teach my fellow teachers how to use the Compass Learning program.

I have found that training other teachers or Professional Development is successful when things are broken down into steps and can be accessed after the initial training has finished. This training would cover the four needs Malcolm Knowles outlined: I will address why the staff needs to know it; it will build on their previous experiences with PowerPoint and the initial Compass Learning training; it will be presented as a problem I want to solve for them; and it will be relevant as teachers are expressing a need for help on using Compass Learning.

I have decided to use PowerPoint as the technology to deliver my training for several reasons:

  1. Teachers in my building are more familiar with PowerPoint than using videos.
  2. As Brian pointed out, PowerPoint might be easier for my district to utilize in the future.
  3. I would not have to worry if a teacher’s computer does not have the ability to play a video because it is out of date. All computers in the district seem to have PowerPoint and I can save it in Word 97-2003 format to ensure it is compatible for them.
  4. Teachers can be given print outs of the slide show with an area to take notes on. Teachers would be able to click through the slides at their own pace after the initial training has been completed.

PowerPoint will make the content knowledge (learning how to use Compass Learning) more accessible to teachers because I can use it to directly show teachers how to do tasks in Compass Learning step-by-step. I can insert screen shots and audio to enhance what I am teaching them. Those functions will help those teachers who just need to “see it” without have to use video. I feel a lot of the teachers in my building would just be overwhelmed it I put the content into a video. They would struggle with getting the video to play and give up on trying to learn what I am showing them about Compass Learning.

However if I put it into a PowerPoint format, teachers can watch the presentation. They can take notes. I can make it a hands on activity by having them open the Compass Learning program and do each step or each task as I explain it and not have to pause a video. The PowerPoint would be available for access after the fact. I could also print out the PowerPoint presentation to act as a pseudo manual to reference as well.

Again, I have chosen to make sure that focus on using andragogy to create a quality professional development experience. As a teacher in the same building, I am uniquely aware of the technology limitations and the nervousness that older staff members have when it comes to learning technology. In some ways, I feel that because of this, I can address these issues more effectively than a trainer coming in from the outside. I can use the same terminology that I know my colleagues use every day to help them understand exactly what I am doing so that they are not caught up in trying to translate what they are being taught into what they already know.

Group Leadership: Part A – Brainstorming Session

I just finished our Brainstorming Session with my Group 1 members: Brian, James, and Courtney. We met in a room on Vyew that Brian had created ahead of time. I was able to test out the some of the functions with Courtney and Brian on Thursday night and so it made today’s meeting go easier for me.

As a group we decided that our Professional Development will teach other teachers how to use Vyew. We have all spent so much time learning to use Vyew and feel it would be a great tool for the classroom. In our meeting we of course had to troubleshoot some kinks – things like microphones and seeing how to save things for them to show for other users – but all of those kinks helped us each learn more about the program.

We have divided our workload up into four topics which we plan to have last two and a half minutes each. We plan to meet again on Thursday after we have each started work on our part of the project. The breakdown is as follows:

1. How to create a room and setting roles for students - Courtney

2. Adding new PAGES - uploading docs for students to see - Katy

· Ideas for rooms

· Segway to #3 – Syncing the rooms or options not to sync

3. Using comments and sticky notes- James

4. Equation Editor/Picture - Brian

Advantages of the Vyew program:

  1. Vyew has more sharing options than Webinar and is free unlike Adobe Connect.
  2. I liked that I could access Vyew at school.
  3. We were able to share documents and screens.
  4. We were able to type a list of topics and edit it right in Vyew for all members to see.
  5. We were able to Jing the meeting. (Brian will post the recording.)
  6. We could talk and chat.

Disadvantages that I noticed:

  1. The biggest source of frustration for us was the lag time in the audio. There were many instances where one group member would talk to add a comment and the audio would repeat itself or echo about 5 to 10 seconds later. Often by that time someone else would be talking and the echo would interrupt them. I am not sure if it was because of someone’s microphone or if it was purely a Vyew problem.
  2. If we had the pages synced all members were put into the same room and could see what was going on. However if a member wanted move back to another room to test something out, the whole group went with them.
  3. Another disadvantage (at least for now) was that I could not easily find a way to stop my screen sharing. There was a “Start Screensharing” button, but no obvious way to stop it. I am sure I can use the Help function to look up how to do it, but in terms of a meeting in progress that was not time effective. I ended up leaving the room and coming back in to quickly fix the problem so that we could move on.

Overall I felt that the meeting was quite successful and we accomplished a lot. Our discussions went well despite the echo of the audio. I am proud of our group!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Video/Web Conferencing

In preparation for our first official group meeting tomorrow morning, two of my group members met me in different web/video conferencing sites to test out their functionality. I first met Courtney in a room I created on Vyew. We ran into a lot of snags. Her windows and buttons in Vyew were grayed out and she could not click on anything. I played with the room settings and such to no avail. She could see everything I was doing, creating, and sharing, but could not contribute anything. She was able to chat which did give us the opportunity to discuss our next move: try a different site.

At that point Courtney decided to create a meeting in Webinar. Courtney was able to share her screen and documents, but we could not find a way to give the sharing role to me. We ran out of time and had to end our meeting there.

Afterwards I was able to meet up with Brian in a Vyew room he created. I was able to chat with him and he showed me some cool options he had discovered including the math equation editor. He had also created a calendar in the room and he and I were able to attach comments to the calendar to show our availability for the group meeting. Brian was also able to test out using Jing to record the session and it worked.

I used the Helps section to give Courtney some ideas on how to get the Vyew room to work for her. Downloading the newest version of Flash seems to have solved the problem. I look forward to the meeting tomorrow. Collectively we seem to like Vyew better than other sites especially because it is free (unlike Adobe Connect) and offers much more options than Webinar. I especially liked that I was able to log into the room/meeting from my computer at school. Bonus!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

PART A: The Wicked Problem - A Need or an Opportunity

1. As I have described before, I currently teach in the Alternative Education department for my school district. Recently, my district has switched from PLATO to Compass Learning as a more cost-effective way to provide online classes to use in the Alternative Ed program, the Credit Recovery Program, and the Summer School program. While the district paid for and set up training for teachers when we first made the switch to Compass Learning, staffing has changed dramatically since it was initially implemented. As a result, teachers who have never administered Compass Learning classes have been thrown into the classes with little to no training.

As a teacher who has been using Compass Learning since the beginning, many teachers turn to me for help. My colleagues often call or email me with questions and in need of help troubleshooting a problem that they are having with the program. While I don’t mind answering their questions and helping them out, I feel that most of their questions could be easily solved with some sort of training guide or FAQ reference material. I am also too swamped with trying to manage my own classroom of Alternative Ed students to take phone calls from other staff members all day long.

You may ask why I am the person being contacted concerning this. There are a few factors that go into that. First of all, our technology department for the entire district is composed of two employees. Their response to work orders is slow at best and not for lack of effort. Secondly, the resource materials from Compass Learning itself do not seem to be helpful, especially to teachers who are already afraid of a computer. The directions provided by Compass Learning are too short and do not explain steps well. They are also lacking images. Staff members get easily confused trying to follow the directions sheet provided. I myself have tried the support line. While they are friendly and helpful when you can get through, teachers cannot spend 20 minutes on hold in a automated telephone system while trying to manage their classrooms. Finally, my colleagues know that I am willing to help and can usually answer any question they may have.

2. To address this issue with technology, I would like to create a resource for teachers in my district to access at any time. I have a few ideas on how I would like to accomplish this. I think the most effective form would be some type of screencast or video demonstrating how to perform common tasks and the most asked about tasks in the Compass Learning program. The problem I may have to work around is how to make screencasts and videos available to teachers. Teachers in my district are not given web space. Most personal websites, including Weebly sites and blogs, are blocked by the district filter. The district website is also run by a secretary’s friend in Florida, so not even the technology department can easily make changes to the district site.

Also, not all teachers have computers that are up-to-date and “video friendly”. Therefore another, option I am considering is creating a PowerPoint or possibly Word document using screen shots and audio to walk teachers through frequently asked questions and problems. This may be easier to distribute to staff as not all computers in the building can support video. I will have to try out my options before I commit to a particular format for the resource I plan to compile.

3. For now I would like to create this resource for use at the high school. While middle school staff does use the Compass Learning program in the summer, I do not have daily contact with them. I would like to try out the resource I create during this semester. If it is successful, I would like to present it to my principal for use as a training supplement at the beginning of the next school year.

4. In terms of research, I have run into some road blocks. I started with the MSU library’s search engine for scholarly articles. The results included studies on the effect of technology on test scores and articles concerning ways to receive technology funding or how some districts are spending their funding. While many of my searches have produced a lot of articles concerning teachers using technology but not much on how to effectively train teachers to use it. I have tried interchanging the word “software” with “technology” since I truly am interested in training my colleagues on using a particular version of software and yet I struggle to find helpful articles.

I did find an article by Jamie McKenzie at which addressed the idea that teachers need resources to help them with technology including help lines, FAQs, and perhaps technology mentors. Feeling like a mentor in my own building I related to a lot of what McKenzie was discussing. Another resource I have found is at and is titled “Critical Issue: Providing Professional Development for Effective Technology Use”. I look forward to finding more articles like this in the electronic journal databases without resorting to the Google search engine.

5. I plan to develop this resource in the coming days. I will start by introducing my resource (videos, Word document, or PowerPoint files) to the co-teacher in the Alternative Ed department. If times allows, I will also offer it to teachers in general ed in the high school who also call me for troubleshooting.

6. When all is said and done, I will know if I was successful through feedback from my colleagues. Teachers in my building are never afraid to speak up when something isn’t working!

Research and Resources:

